Past Initiatives

Hawaii Sustainable Development Group

Hawaii Sustainable Development Group (HSDG) is a start-up AgTech company on a mission to bring the world's leading agriculture technologies and renewable energy innovations to Hawaii to support our islands in becoming food sovereign by 2030. 

Hawaii is the most isolated population in the world. Since fossil fuels are imported from around the world, meaning that we also have the highest fuel costs on the planet (as the majority of fuel is imported oil). That's why the State has set a goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2045.  Sustainable agriculture will help Hawaii generate 100% of its electricity from renewable resources.

HSDG helped to establish partnerships with and is currently in process of building a facility to grow 10% of Hawaii's lettuce, and helped to launch Makaha Mountain Farms, a modular microgreen farm technology designed to be scale 


The Mind Lab Institute

Learn the 7-Step Process To Achieving Your Goals, Fast.  Apply Neuroscience, Heart-Brain Communication, and Quantum Theory to Create Timelines For Your Future.

  • Understand neuroscience, heart-brain communication, and quantum physics and apply them to creating the future 
  • Easy and practical process for gaining clarity and confidence about your future- and create a strategy to get there.
  • At the end of the Mind Lab program you will have a clear map of your future vision and strategy.

The Mind Lab Is One of The Most Advanced Programs On Goal Setting and the Science of Manifestation. Designed For Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Emerging Leaders Ready To Take A Quantum Leap - Beyond Ordinary Living - While Activating The Human Mind In Ways That Are Pushing The Boundaries of Human Potential and Future Creation.


Education Energy 501c3

Are you a student in High School or College looking for an excuse to start creating your future, before you graduate? AND you have no idea where to begin, or you feel like you need to wait until you graduate to get started? Let's recreate the way that we use school research to have a real impact in the world.

  • Design your Ultimate Lifestyle starting with school research to build a blog.
  • Cultivate Street Smarts by connecting your research with real projects and businesses.
  • Take a holistic approach to transforming your life and take ownership of your educational experience.
  • Align your research projects with your passions,
  • Connect you research with your industry niche,
  • Design your own curriculum and homework, Build a business or get any job, Get your foot in the door of your dream career, Start on your path to becoming an expert.

Don't wait until you graduate to start making a difference in your world. 


The Every Day Hero Project

Our mission is to assess the needs of global communities, and to work with resident leaders to provide resources, tools, and education for success. Since 2010, EHP has supported countries in need:

  • CERT Training and Disaster Preparedness Programs in at risk/ target areas prone to natural disaster.
  • First Response Disaster Support: Post hurricane and natural disaster EHP Partners with Operation Float, Boondocks K-9 Search and Rescue to ensure people are safe, and have proper food, shelter, and medical equipment to get back on their feet.
  • Volentourism: Once communities have their basic needs met, our team will bring groups of activated Every Day Heroes to help people rebuild and clean up the mess that was made.

Quantum Meditation Mastery

Quantum Meditation is a Consciousness Technology and methodology that will profoundly impact your life and future. Discover how new breakthroughs in neuroscience and quantum physics can profoundly shape your understanding and ability to manifest your reality. This meditation will...

  • Activate Alignment in your body on a soul level.
  • Accelerate Your Manifestation
  • Upgrade your Confidence 
  • Elevate Your Body & Brain
  • Cultivate Focus and Energy
  • Discover the Power of Breathwork

Schedule A Session

We offer a training ground for ordinary people to become extraordinary. And a framework for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders to experience a quantum leap in their journey to creating their dream. Sacred Strategy is a catalyst for positive personal, professional and societal change. It is our mission to help individuals bring consciousness into their lives at every level ā€” through the mind, body and spiritā€”and into the world around themā€”through humanitarianism, ecological awareness, and travel.


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